Don't know what ya got... till it's missing from a back up disk.

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

My friends... I've had an epiphany.

Let me just say, first of all, that computer problems suck. They don't just sort of suck or even suck bad.. they SUCK HARD.

Gah. My cd rom drive blew a gasket. Blew a fuse. Went back to its geek maker. I don't know. All I know is I had to make a back up of all my most needed things (you know, pictures of hobbits and stories about someone else's characters) and then I had to reboot myself and totally erase my hard-drive.

In one word all day today I have been in computer HELL.

Let's not mention the fact that once I finally was able to get my pc back up again I realized the back up disc did not hold the one thing I wanted it to... namely the thing I've been pouring my heart and soul into for the last month and a half.. my story. I had copies of other people's stories. Hell, I even had a copy of this blasted diary that's saved for all the world to see via the internet, but no, I didn't not have the next 10 chapters of my story.

My friends... my heart... died.

I cried. I suffered spasms in my arms. I cried some more. I cursed the day I was born and wondered who in the hell I pissed off in another life to have such rotten, crummy fucking bad luck. And then I cried again.

But then... after promising to God, Buddha, Goddess, old person in the sky, whoever- that I would live a righteous and pious life for the rest of my days, should he/she/it/them deem it fit to return my baby to me, my story was found in a temporary file. All 269kb of her. I wanted to dance and sing and make a million copies of the blasted thing. You have NO IDEA how close I came to absolutely losing it.

So... now, after I'm half way back to getting my system back to what it was before (minus the sucky cd rom drive, of course) I have to wonder how righteous and pious I actually have to be now... I mean, is it enough that I LIVE like a nun anyway? Is it enough that I don't even have sex with myself anymore?

I can't be held responsible for the transient sensual thoughts that cross my mind when I'm watching... say... Hobbits or Pirates or certain Wizard types, now can I?

I mean, I promised to be pious... not dead.


January 03, 2004 1:11 a.m.
