Sock it to me, baby

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

So yeah, I got the hamburger I craved, but not a job. Eh... you win some, you lose some.

It's a nice sunny day here in Status Symbol land (er Phoenix) and I should be out enjoying it, but I'm not. I'm being a lazy git. Of course, I couldn't sleep last night and I was reading until the wee, wee hours of the night so I am a bit cranky, but... yeah. I know. When am I never not cranky?

I swear, there was that one day... about two years ago...

*trails off*

Where was I?


That sounds about right.

In Things Are Looking up! news I am having a very good skin day. You have no idea what this means. My skin is usually red and blotchy. Today it is not. It is pale and dare I say it... glowing. Must be this new stuff I tried-tea tree oil and jojoba oil.

I'm sure it'll pass and my skin will build up a resistance to it, like it does to everything else and go back to its blotchy red embarrassing ways... but for right now... I'm taking the gift for what it is.


Happy Friday everyone. Happy pre-Easter too. May you get a solid choco egg and a cute bunny that delivers.

April 09, 2004 1:25 p.m.
