Those to come...

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

Now Listening to: The Shins/ Chutes Too Narrow

Ever wake up and wonder why you bother?


Anyway... there is no anyway. I have nothing to add to the great conversation.

I woke up at god early hour to chat with people I don't know about a subject that is, to say the least, frivolous. Ah.. the internet. What would I do without you? Actually, I'd probably get a lot more things done.

I bought a crossword puzzle book and am slowing making my way through it. I am a geek.

I dyed my hair Egyptian Plum and am sitting here like Ali baba with my head up in a towel. Very princess like.

My eyes are puffy.

I crave strawberries.

Sorry to those reading my story... I just have been... having issues. I'll update eventually, I'm sure. I'm not sure it's a block in the sense that I don't know what to write, because I do, it's just... I'm not sure I want to write it. And that probably only makes sense to like, one other person.


Happy saturday everyone.

March 20, 2004 2:06 p.m.
