Questions and... no answers

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

I'm taking a survey, and I'd really like to know... so you guys have to help...

Of you (yes! you there! in the grimy sweatshirt and dirty glasses) who read me, which would be YOU because you're here, reading as we speak (like my logic?) why do you come here? Why do you follow my little life through the pages of whatever this is. Now, if you're Laura or Lauren, the answer to this is simple (you're both insane) but for everyone else- I'd really like to know.

Also- when do you read me? All the time when you see an update? Or do you save posts for rainy days and catch up later? I'm trying to sort out some things and honestly I'd like to know.

So please, feel free to let me know. Sorry if my guestbook bites you in the ass. That can't be helped.

That said-

I bought three new cd's! Whoo! Go me and the Spending Spree. I picked up the new one by Grant Lee Phillips (a voice to have sex by, if there ever was one) the new one by The Stills (really good- think Interpol and The Smiths) and a band called Roony. The last one is a bit poppy, but as my friend Laura pointed out, we all need music that makes us happy once in awhile.

Anyway, I also read about a million magazines at the bookstore too and have to go back and finish reading all the ones I couldn't get to. It made me feel connected to the world. How sad is that?

I really have to get back into writing. I don't know what my problem is. I'm just... ack. Lazy personified.

I can't believe I'm updating at 12:24 am. Eep.

Sweet dreams.

March 21, 2004 12:18 a.m.
