This new love- it fits you like a glove

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

Now Listening to: Ken Stringfellow/ Touched

I have to admit something diary, so brace yourself. Now, it doesn't mean I don't like you just like I did before, oh no, not that. Honest. And it doesn't mean I'm going to leave you for greener pastures but...

I've been cheating on you, diary.

I'm sorry.

It's not like I update the other one all that much, but it's there and it calls to me like the siren of the sea that it is. I'm sorry. I'm growing increasingly susceptible to its song. So forgive me sometimes if I forget about you Bluestarhalo.... it's just the newness of the thing. Promise.

I'll come back eventually and have something to say here too.

I think.

Short List of All the People I Want to Sleep With:

Kevin Spacey, Elijah Wood, Billy Boyd, Alan Rickman, Jason Isaacs, John Cusack, Jon Stewart, Dominic Monaghan, Daniel Radcliffe when he is no longer jailbait (ahem), Mike Mills, Peter Buck, Ryan Adams, Johnny Depp and Colin Firth.

Okay. That was just the short list.

Oh and yeah, when I say sleep? I do not mean catch some Z's with. You know?

March 16, 2004 4:18 p.m.
