
I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

Okay, it's official, I am now a PSP stud. Because I learned how to blend. Eh. The above example is not bad for just learning at 1am last night (er, this morning).

Anyway, in lieu of anything worthwhile to say, I turn my attention back to Carley's question:

Suppose you've turned into a comic book hero--what's your name, power, archenemy, and story of how you became a superhero?

I have no clue. Seriously. So I guess I'll have to do this off the top of my head, because 4 days of thinking about it sure hasn't helped....

My Superpower Name: Ms.No-Nonsense Shoes

My Superpower Power: To grant people three wishes and make sure their feet are fashionably clad in the latest shoes.

My Archenemy: Dr.Not-So-Scholl's. The King of Feel Bad Feet.

The story of how I became a superhero:

Can't really say, but let's just say it involves Payless Disposables, the scientists at Nine West and being born with naturally flat feet.

Gah. I should go back to bed and pull the covers over my head. That was horrible.

March 14, 2004 11:37 a.m.
