Hubba Hubba and Percy's really a Git

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

*Chapter 41 is Posted*

For those of you living under homework or possibly a rock, J.K. Rowling answered some questions today about the next two HP books.. it's really sort of fascinating, although I really could hit her for not answering the annoying Hermione and Harry question once and for all. The woman is evil and cagey.

Anyway... Go here:


And give it a read.....and start counting down till book six...

In other news, it's been raining all day and I love it. I went for a walk in it. It was great. Of course now my hair is flat and frizzy and wet...

And I discovered The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf today and had an orgasmic Tea Latte... Double Vanilla goodness that was good. Orgasm for your tongue and taste buds! sheesh! I needed a cigrarette when I was done with mine....

March 04, 2004 6:17 p.m.
