It's all in the eyes

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

Er... well, since I'm on strick orders to answer the Hobbit question again and employ Sir Wood in the equation, I reckon I'd better get on with it...

Er. Elijah. I like Elijah, don't get me wrong. But it took me awhile. I always thought he was a cute kid. I remember watching this really old movie with Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson called 'Paradise' and I remember at the time that I thought, wow... he's gonna be gorgeous when he's older... but...

I don't really have any, oh my god! I have to throw him down on the street and have him now! thoughts about our Mr. Frodo, I don't know why. I mean, I wouldn't kick him out of bed for eating crackers or anything, but I'd draw the line at anything else.

He does look like he'd be fun to kiss though. He looks like he has a nice healthy sense of humor about things. That's always nice.

So there, Xina. I answered your question! Finally!

Anyone else?

I can wax on about any number of subjects... I promise.

March 03, 2004 2:32 p.m.
