Show me that I'm not the only one

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

Now listening to: Matthew Sweet/ Into Your Drug

Ah. Friday. The day of nothing that begets more nothing. So far I've slept in late, played the Sims and worried about my hair color. Quite a full day.

This song rocks, yo.

Anyway, another hobbit-inspired question today, from Miss lionfish:

If you had to shoot (yes, again) three of the hobbit ACTORS, who would you keep alive and why?

This is an unfair question as I would never take a life and I most certainly WOULD never deprive the world of the wonder that is Mssrs. Wood, Boyd, Monaghan and Astin. No way. No how.

So I can't really answer this question. I mean, Sean's a father, why would I deprive his children of their father? And Billy, Dom and Elijah are just like, gah.. too talented and sexy for words and I KNOW I wouldn't want to deprive the world of that.

So instead of shooting them, I'd shoot myself.

Except of course I really wouldn't, but you get the gist.

So there, my first answer - non- answer.

I should be writing but I can't seem to get motivated to form sentences. I'm just being lazy really.

I need a hug.

I need a kiss.

I need a really good _____.

You can fill in the blank there.


February 27, 2004 1:04 p.m.
