First question

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

Now Listening to: Pale Blue Eyes/ Velvet Underground

Alright, questions will be answered in the order in which they were received.

From dear Sleepystorm:

What got you started with Diaryland?

As with everything in this girls life, a boy. No, it's not as sad as that sounds. A boy that I was very much into, who I wanted to be very much into me, told me about Diaryland. And since I wanted him to get to know the wonder that is me, I indugled him and started my other diary, because he said he thought that 'I'd be good at that sort of thing'. So I started. I wasn't new to writing in a journal, although I hadn't kept one in a long time. And I had never kept one in public, that was for dang sure.

What was your agenda (in starting a diary)?

To get above boy to fall madly in love with the wonder and brilliance that was me, on paper, I guess. Didn't work, but I got something out of the deal, didn't I? I have a record of the last few years of my life. Something that is inherently cool, despite all thoughts I have to the contrary sometimes. My other diary was my first diary. This is my second. Some of you may remember the other one. Sometimes, it feels like a distance dream to me, that other place. But like a phoenix, bluestarhalo burst forth out of the ashes that was wings of grace. Seems fitting. I didn't have an agenda. Didn't have a plan. Probably what half my problem is. haha Maybe I did want to release my inner creative side, I don't know. Writing is like breathing to me. It just happens.

Wow. How long was it that I started that other diary? Three years ago? Amazing, isn't it. How time flies when you're bemoaning your existence to strangers. *big smile*

That was fun, thanks T. :)

February 22, 2004 2:00 p.m.
