Too early for this

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

Chapter 36 is updated.

So yeah, it strikes me yesterday as I'm having a pity lunch with my mom that I stopped maturing in like, 1995 or something. I am not an adult, even though I play one on tv.

Here we are in this resturant, everyone is in their business attire, suits, ties, dresses, skirts... and here I am in my jeans and tee shirt wondering what the hell went wrong with my life.

Okay. I don't really want to be one of those people in a suit and tie, this much is true. I don't want to slave away from 9-5, hating my job just so I can make a mortgage payment. I never have been very upwardly mobile or whatever it is they're calling it. I just want to be. I'm not sure why this quality is under-qualified in our society but it is and so I get to feel like more of a loser because I don't fit into some status quo...

Sometimes, I just wonder....

what's the point?

February 19, 2004 9:47 a.m.
