And now for something... not so different

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

I was going to go with a very basic New Years can suck my big fat toe, entry, but alas.. MangoFarmer saved you and me from that horror...

So without further adieu, here's the survery I appropiated:

And now, for your further geeky enjoyment, I present a LotR survey:

1. When did you first become a LOTR fan?

The movies. *Hangs head in utter shame* Actually, it was when I bought the FOTR on a whim at Target (basic- no frills 14.99 version) I'd only thought it was so so in the theater, I mean, I could tell it was good movie making, but overall I didn't really care. As soon as I had it on DVD I cared. A lot .

2. Have you read the books?

1/2 of them (turns red and dies)

3. Seen the movies?

See answer # one and every page of my diary since then, thank you.

4. What is it that you love about LOTR?

The fact that it's about more than what's on the surface. The fact that friendship, loyalty and bravery can be good things and not something to be embarrassed of. That humor and love are worthwhile things and that even a small person or thing can change the world.

5. How many times did you see each of the movies?

FOTR- once in theather TTT- 5 times in the theater and ROTK only once so far (I've been ill, okay?!)

6. Times you've read the books?

Er... um... yeah.

7. Just how obsessed are you with LOTR?

Er.. just look at my diary layout! Ok, to be fair... um... I'd say about 70%. I don't watch every tv show about it and I don't buy any merchandising on it, just the dvds and soundtracks and I talk about them a lot. Other than that. I'm normal. Relatively speaking, of course.

8. Can you speak Elvish?

Sure. I can say "whoooo-baby, Legolas you lookin' FINE TONIGHT!"

9. Did you dress up for any of the movie premieres

No way. I don't even dress up to go out to dinner.

10. Most memorable moment as a fan:

Falling in love with Billy and Dom by watching the extras and listening to the commentary on the extended FOTR.

11. Favorite of the books:

Er.. yeah... um...

12. Favorite of the movies:

Er.. this is not a cop out, but I love each of my babies the most. That's like trying to chose which Hobbit is your favorite. They each have things to bring to the table.

13. Favorite overall character:


14. Character you find most attractive:

Purely physically? Legolas. Spiritually, harmonically, grammatically? Peregrin 'Pippin' Took and Merry Merry Quite Contrary Brandbuck. (tie)

15. Favorite couple:

Faramir and Eowyn.

16. Favorite hobbit:

There is no way to choose. But the one that graces this diary with his face is really in the top two.

17. Favorite elf:


18. Favorite man:


19. Favorite dwarf:

Gimili of course.

20. Favorite wizard:

Gandalf the White kicks ass, to be sure, but I miss the playfulness of Gandalf the Gray.

21. Favorite orc:

Orcs are bad. Don't you know that?

22. Favorite villain:

Grima Wormtongue.

23. Favorite horse:

The black one.

24. Favorite scene from the books:

Er yeah... um... actually. The details Tolkien took to give each little thing is amazing. Just not that conducive to the ease of reading.

25. Favorite scene from the movies:

Gah. Too many to name. The introduction of Merry and Pippin. The scene where Boromir dies in Aragon's arms. The Ents walking toward Isengard, ready to kick ass. Arwen seeing the 'future' and witnessing Aragon holding and lauging at his son. When Sam Picks up Frodo and carry's him up Mount Doom... etc. Far too many to list.

26. Coolest creature:

Does Gollum count?

27. Scariest creature:


28. Cutest creature:

Any and all Hobbits.

29. Favorite quote:

"I am not a man" from Ewoyn. And.. the Gandalf one, about making the most of the time that you're given. Pure Poetry.

30. Where would you want to live in Middle Earth?:

The Shire!

31. What kind of creature would you be?

I would love to be an elf but in reality I am most definitely a hobbit.

32. What's your weapon of choice?:

Aragon. :)

33. Are you good/evil/somewhere in between?:

I try to be good. That's most honest answer I can give. I'm sure some people think I'm evil or at least a bitch.

December 31, 2003 4:22 p.m.
