
I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of bluestarhalo@diaryland.com at www.imood.com

There's just something about Sunday morning that makes me want to put on the Nick Drake records, slide back into bed and do crosswords puzzles all day...

and try not to cheat.

I was thinking that to live in LA would take either 1) a lot of money or 2) a strong personality.

During the Hollywood tour I went on, I was just struck by how.. utterly congested and yucky LA really is. Which don't get me wrong, there are nice suburbs to Los Angeles. But Melrose, for all it's hipness is really run down. And Hollywood is as well. Sort of depressing.

I was distraught to find that when I arrived at Mann's Chinese Theater that the movie they were offering was The Last Samuri (a movie I've already mocked, if you've been paying attention) so instead of going there and seeing this larger than life ROTK poster, I got stuck with seeing a larger than life Tom Cruise poster. I hate Tom Cruise by the way. Well, okay hate is a strong word. I dislike him immensely, let's put it that way. So yeah... seing this HUGE image of Tom Cruise hung on the building pretty much sums up my vacation. Disappointing and annyoing.

I did walk down to this shopping center, where if you go up on the upper level you can see the Hollywood sign in the distance AND in that frame, there was a ROTK poster, so I took a picture. Hopefully it came out okay. I felt like such a dweeb, standing there, taking a picture like a tourist. Gah. Sheesh. What was I thinking? (ironic smirk)

Okay this cannot be substantiated in any way shape or form, but I swear I saw two Hobbit like people eating at a cafe as we drove by it on Melrose. It could have just been wishful thinking though. Right?

I think I'm gonna go do more crosswords and dream I have someone to do them with...

December 28, 2003 10:47 a.m.
