Knowledge is power

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

I was knee deep into Bullfinches Mythology yesterday and surrounded by my books of British poetry. I felt so studious.

Still didn't find what I was looking for, but those are the breaks, I guess.

I wish I were brilliant, but I'm not.

I wish I had done some things different, but I didn't. But then, don't we all have those things we regret?

I wish I had a time machine. I could go back to when I was in college and I could be a smarter person. A braver girl. Or at least, I could study harder. I've always been able to get by on certain things because I'm naturally smart, which on one hand is better than being naturally stupid, but then again, it does tend to make you lazy. I think I would pay more attention, and not worry so much about being liked.

We waste so much energy trying to be more acceptable to other people. Why? In the end the only thing that matters is that you like yourself. Screw the world if they don't get it.

If you do happen to find one or two (or three) that understand you and accept you, then the journey's that much more sweeter, but don't waste time trying to make yourself acceptable to someone else. It ends up not only being their loss but yours as well. You're the only you, you got. Make it count.

It's not a crime to be smarter. It's not a bad thing to know more about something than someone else. Never feel bad for having worked hard at something, even if it is only knowing the romantic poets from Elizabethan England. Or all the letters in the Chinese alphabet. Who cares if it's not practical? If it's yours and it makes you happy and you feel good while doing it, screw the rest. It's your life, your time. Do with it what you will.

Right now my time is telling me to take a hot bath. Here's hoping I don't melt.

December 14, 2003 10:44 a.m.
