Remember: Everyone is a winner

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

I would like to take this tender moment in time and thank all who read this diary. Some of you know me, some of you don't, some of you want to (I think) and some of you probably wish you didn't (although if that is the case, quit reading my diary, you perv) Anyway-you guys all rock in my book, so without further adieu... The BluestarHalo Awards:


What can I saw about Carley? I honestly wish I were more like her and I'm not just saying that because she's young, in college with her whole life ahead of her and has a great body. Well, okay, maybe I am saying that a bit, but truly she is a good soul. I heart her a bunch. A Bunch!

Sarah of the Mango

What can I say about Sarah, she of the flute and mango lovin? (yes, it is the love that dare speak its name) I somehow find it all very fascinating and she along with it. Plus, she cracks me up.


Ah yes, my little Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings sister. She sometimes worries that she will never find love and she sometimes worries that no one likes her. I wish I could tell her that things will be okay when she's older but I can't because things could very well be shit when's she older (as I well know) but I do want her to know that she's special. And no, not in a special ed kind of way.

The Mysterious Ms. T

Ah.. yes... the girl that stole my muse. What else is there to say about T but that she is beauty personified? She may not think her words are loud, but to me they are gunshots breaking the silences. She never fails to make my mouth drop open and that's the truth.


My other Sarah and no, that is not the same as 'the other white meat'. Sarah is a miracle onto herself and she amazes me with her depth, her strong heart and her passion. Even though she doesn't think it comes through on her diary and even though she thinks she's messed up, I think she's beautiful.

Laalaa Laura

My oldest friend, dear Laura. My sister in arms with R.E.M. My fellow fan fic writer. My fellow 'keeps me sane when things are crazy' person. I love her. What else can someone say after that? I love her sense of humor, I love her way with words, I love her great taste in music... every little bit that adds up to her, I adore. She's a woman who understands the need for chocolate too. But that's just a bonus. I'd love her even if she were a bean pole who only ate carrots and my dear, you know that's saying something.

And finally to my friend Lauren- who doesn't have a diary, but who I know reads me anyway. :) She reads me all over the place, if you get my meaning. She makes me laugh and she makes me happy and she understands the need to obsess over actors and movies and other trivial things most people don't give a second thought to. She's brilliant and she's Australian and I'm glad she's my friend. It's very rare to have someone that you feel you can express things to and that is what she is.

And... to everyone else- some names I left off, some names I didn't mention, but again, I thank you for visiting me here, in my little world. I thank you for your patience and your kindness and your humor and your great taste (hah).

December 06, 2003 7:48 p.m.
