The pervs all love me.

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

Oh my goodness. Now I've gotten Yahoo'd for Naked Hobbits. Eek. Maybe I should change it to 'Scantily Clad Hobbit-like folks' or 'Hobbits and Their Feet: A Love Story'.

I just don't know.

Not everyone can be as perverted as me about Hobbits can they?

I feel so un-special now.

Signmyguestbook is acting up again and as such I thought that no one cared about my love fest yesterday and I was feeling much abused and alone. Now however I see that Laura and Carley have both spread the love and of course no one can match Mangofarmer's acceptance speech on my notes page. Hilarious.

Ten days till California and 9 days till Return of the King. Where would you guys be if I didn't keep you updated?

Oh try this and have some fun- go to and type in the phrase 'miserable failure' then hit the 'I'm feeling lucky' button. Dear goodness, it cracked me up.

December 08, 2003 9:44 a.m.
