Sexiest man in my dream

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

I wasn't going to do this, but what the hell...

Dear Paris Hilton:

Please, next time you feel the urge to have sex with whatever boy-toy you are currently leading astray, do not turn the video camera on. I know you want the whole world to want you and I know you think you're pretty hot shit, but please, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, just say no to video.

The rest of us peons down here on planet non-celebrity would appreciate the decline in porn spam mail.

Thank you.

Okay.. now that that is out of the way...

I had a dream involving Johnny Depp last night. No, not that kind of dream- shame on you (my subconscious can obviously only handle sex dreams once in a blue moon and definitely not with celebrities). But anyway, Sir Depp was really young, in fact I think it was my highschool, I'm not sure- and he was playing to character- ie, getting into trouble. The only notable thing about this dream, before I woke up, is that he looked good. Like 21 Jump Street Good.

Does anyone remember him in that show? Gah. I'm old. Anyway, for everyone under the age of 19 who reads my diary, 21 Jump Street was this little show that Sir Depp got his start on. He's very young in it and I'm fairly sure it filmed in Canada. But he played an undercover cop. And that's all I can remember.

Oh yeah, after Johnny left the show to go make it big with Winona and in the movies, they replaced him with Richard 'No Chance' Grieco. It was like replacing filet mignon with ground beef.

It wasn't pretty.

I got googled for the phrase 'Naked Hobbits' the other day... as my friend Laura likes to say-"See, that just proves there are other people like you out there.'

How true.

So yeah, Welcome Perverts. May your stay be a blessed one. Please, don't drip on the carpet.

December 01, 2003 11:02 a.m.
