Creative jive

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

You know, I am never truly happy unless I am being creative. I've noticed that when I have gone a long time without creating something-whether it be writing or some other outlet, I start to feel mired down and stuck in a rut. Being creative is so much a part of my being that when I don't have it, I feel less than I should.

That said, I had a great kick ass creative day yesterday. It should last me awhile, at least. I ventured out to the craft store (usually not wise to do the day after the Day After Thanksgiving) and bought a load of things to decorate with. I worked on the four vases I have in the kitchen and made them all Christmas-fied and then I made a huge centerpiece type thing for my mom and it really turned out cool, if I do say so myself. Like if you were at a flea market or a craft show, I'm fairly sure I could get at least 20 bucks for the thing. Anyway, after that I edited some stories and then decided to write something new and just totally went to town on it. I now have 20+ pages of a brand new spanking story! I am very pleased with myself, people. I have been in such a short-story stumpedness lately that I'd pratically given up. But my muse is found. Woot.

Did anyone notice my new banner floating around Diaryland? It's very Hobbitfied.

November 30, 2003 1:43 p.m.
