It does strange things

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

With many apologies to Sarah, but when I saw this picture I fell in love with it and so since I am in mourning (in a sense) I've gone all black and Harry Potter. Specifically the rather delectable Severus Snape black and Harry Potter ala Alan Rickman.

My hobbit-boys will come back soon, promise. Hope Sarah doesn't mind too much. *small grin*

It's very early Tuesday and I am wide awake because I took some pills that knocked me out for most of the day and now I'm sleepless. Good thing there are such things as html and the internet to fascinate me, otherwise I might actually do something worthwhile, like read or write.

Sometimes I forget my dog is no longer in the house. I'll get up to do something and think 'I have to let Cupcake out' and then realize, no.. I don't. Or I'll walk by the space where her water dish was and think, hey- where's her dish?!

It's strange. I keep comparing everything in my head- 'when I bought this, Cupcake was still alive. 'when I watched this last, she was sleeping on the floor in front of me...'

It's strange and it's heartbreaking.


November 11, 2003 1:40 a.m.
