I read the news today, oh boy

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of bluestarhalo@diaryland.com at www.imood.com

No one's updating and Jimmy crack corn..

Today I.. (or is it yesterday? seeing as tomorrow is already happening as I type?) Ahem.

Today I...

Stayed up until 4am

Woke up at 9:30am

Took hot bath, soaked, washed hair.

Shaved legs with electric razor so as not to cut myself and bleed to death

Goofed off at computer while listening to The Smiths.

Pondered The Smiths and the relationship between Morrissey and Johnny Marr.

Ate lasagna for lunch. Forgot to make garlic bread.

Went to Best Buy to buy The Sims- Makin Magic. Was disappointed. Wandered into the Home Theater section and bugged salesguy into giving me the dope on the most affordable, yet cool system. Realized Home Theater system is too much hassle. Left empty handed.

Went to Borders Books and Music. Stared at all the magazines I wanted to read but didn't read a thing. Almost bought really expensive UK mag because it had Harry Potter AND ROTK stuff in it, but didn't want to part with 8.99 of hard earned cash. Bought Entertainment Weekly (with Jon Stewart on the cover!! woohoo~!)instead, a CD and a Cat in the Hat pen.

Drove home listening to Hole at very loud decibels. Stopped at Sonic and bought Strawberry Lemonade.

Came home, goofed off doing absolutely nothing. Made garlic bread. Ate more lasagna. Did dishes. Ate Peeps marshmellow ghostie for dessert. Munched on Toffee Popcorn as well. Watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer on FX. Then watched Gilmore Girls and Fraser.

Took hot bath. Cursed skin while staring in mirror. Cursed ugly image in mirror. Goofed off on computer playing The SIMs for 6+ hours.

Am now ready to call it a night...

No one reads this diary anymore. I'm talking to myself.

Hear the echo?

October 29, 2003 12:35 a.m.
