Weird, wild stuff

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

You know what makes me laugh...

the fact that AOL, when you sign on, has this huge picture of Cameron Diaz and promises to tell you about her DATING TIPS.

I mean, really...who the hell cares? I mean, pretty much based on the fact that she's Cameron Diaz she gets dates. I mean.. duh.

You know what else makes me laugh? The fact that our Commander in Chief, George W. Bush, is going to have an 'action figure'. Yes, you too can go into your local Kaybee Toy store and pre-order this sure to be a collector's item-G.I. Joe looking, Texas talking replica of our President. Praise Glory. He comes complete with Fliers Helmet and war fatigues. Whoo-doggy. Nothing says REPUBLICAN and AMERICA like youngsters playin' with their Elected Official in their sand box....


Sigh. I'm running away to Canada. At least there I'd get adequate health care for a minimal price, if not, free.

October 04, 2003 5:03 p.m.
