Cheery... and then.. not so cheery

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

I love fall... it's so... groovy. The weather is cooler (and in the desert, that means a lot) the leaves change (well, I've been told they do) it rains more (like once a month) and you can burn candles and bake pies and get fat. I love it.

Ugh. On the down side, my skin is very dry. Flaky-dry. Flaky-itchy-dry. Flaky-itchy-terrible-dry. Just call me Flaky-Jake.

In other weird, what klutzy star was I born under anyway?news... everything is breaking. Like.. I touch it... two seconds later. It breaks. For example: Those nifty LOTR bookends that came with the extended version dvd, 'the kings of old'- I kept them in the box for almost a complete year, then I get the brainy idea of where to finally stick them and guess what? Literally two seconds after I take them out of the box, something falls on them and one of them breaks. Next example: My mom, helping me as I was putting things up on a high shelf, wasn't paying attention and dropped this gorgeous fairy box someone gave me last year and breaks one of the wings completely off. (okay, so that was REALLY HER FAULT)Another example: My favorite chesire cat-can't-find-it-anywhere-because-they no-longer make-it-christmas ornament is found broken at the bottom a our Christmas bag. Sigh.

I could go on... but now I just feel like crying.

Yeah, I know they're only things. They're not people or anything, but darn it, I have an empty life. My things are important to me. :(

Blah. I'm gonna go peel my face.

September 23, 2003 5:49 p.m.
