Monday Blues

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

I had strange dreams last night- where I was applying for a job but I was really underqualified and they laughed at me. It was really odd. Anyway, outside the door of this said business was a huge beach. I think it was Australia, I'm not sure. It was very sunny and warm and the sand was white.. I mean..pristine, virginal white. (highly symbolic, I'm sure) Anyway, I was taking pictures of everything and I was climbing out on this rock- the farthest rock on the beach and someone yelled that I shouldn't fall in because the water was poisionous.

Seriously, where does my brain come up with these things?

Have you ever seen the cartoon 'Family Guy'? Oh my god, it's hilarious. TBS plays it in the morning... I've been catching the repeats and I have never laughed so hard. I don't know why this show wasn't a hit. Guess it went over some heads... hmm.

Well.. this was a big fat entry about nothing.

July 28, 2003 11:34 a.m.
