
I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

Ever had one of those headaches where it feels like your brain has split in two and you skull has caved in?

Grrgh. That's what I've felt like all day. I've been in bed all day, pratically. I woke up around 11 and my head was throbbing- I thought it was a sinus issue because I was all stuffed up too, so I took some allergy medicine, fixed some breakfast. I ended up watching the East Enders (hi laura!)on the BBC and my head was still hurting so I went back to sleep. Woke up once or twice, sweating to death because it's so god-damn hot here and my head was still throbbing, but worse then before, if that's possible. Ergh.

I feel slightly better- I can see and focus and sit up, which is always good. I finally ended up taking these really strong Tylenol pills my mom gave me awhile back. She takes them for her arthitis, of course, but they work on heads too, thank god. They're like 650 milligrams each or something. Sheesh. It took two of those puppies to make me functional. Scary.

I feel like Bluestarhalo, the homicidal migraine maniac.

June 28, 2003 5:48 p.m.
