It's not Barry Manilow.

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

I had the strangest dream. I was an angel and I was going to spy school. Well, angel spy school. Really, I should cut down on the snacking before bed thing. Sheesh.

Anyway- I was in this class with these four guys (it being spy school, the male angels outweighed the females) and they were very impressed with moi, doncha know because I was so very, very smart and had my shite together.

Anyway one of them was Nicohlas Cage! Like in his City of Angels days, I don't know where my mind comes up with these things, I don't even think Nic Cage is all that.. attractive, really. Anyway, he was doubly impressed with me and invited me to this special seminar. It had something to do with unfurling our wings and flying undetected. (again, I just rent this space- my mind is on its own accord) Well, one of the other guys in the group, I was really into *gosh* he was cute! whoo!* and he wanted to practice together, which I was more than willing to do (wink wink, nudge nudge) but then I woke up just when it got interesting!

Isn't that bizarre?!

:shakes head:

I don't know where my mind comes up with these things and why I remember them.

In other news my favorite song quote for the day is thus:

"I believe in love.. but it don't believe in me."

10 fun points if you can name that song.

June 06, 2003 11:44 a.m.
