These things they make me unpopular

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

Nobody guessed my song lyrics. No one even tried. :sniff:

The company I used to work for is having a big sale this weekend and I'm torn- there are some things it'd be nice to get a discount on, but then I also don't want to give them any of my money.. what to do..what to do.

So far I've avoided the situation by not going out of the house. I think that will change today.

My mom bought me an early birthday cake and it was so yummy! All purple and pink frosting with little stars and a Hermione Granger toy that lights up. It was yummy marble cake and I had a HUGE piece. In fact, I'll be having another one for breakfast, so there. If you can't have birthday cake for breakfast, what's the point? Yeah, that's what I thought.

You know, sometimes I feel so out of it. Like I don't really belong anywhere. I wonder why that is. I don't do well in big groups. And sometimes not even smaller ones. I'm never clever enough or funny enough to be really popular. I don't know how some people do it.

I also don't understand what some people consider funny, or even.. entertaining. For instance, there's this forum I'm on and everyone seems to love to talk about the stupidest things. They get silly and quite frankly, annoying. I don't get it why they think it's fun and I'm just annoyed. Do I have too high of standards? Am I a snob? Is this why I can't get into reality tv from American Idol on down?

Oh and by the way, I think that Simon guy should be friggin shot and quartered for destroying the american television landscape. Not that it was that great to begin with, but.. eh.. now he's doing some stupid The Bachelor rip off. When will it end people? When we have newborns fighting each other about who their parents are going to be (all the while singing broadway show tunes, of course)?! Or better yet, just to get the pro life people started- we have fetus's compete for attention by showing how unfish like they are without their gills?! (Maybe they could sing Yellow Submarine as a tie breaker)

See. I don't get it. I just don't get it.

June 07, 2003 7:22 a.m.
