Decisons.. decisons...

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

I've got this odd desktop theme on my computer. It's called "The Accolade" or some such thing because it's based on that painting.. you know, The Accolade. Anyway- it has the strangest sound waves associated with it. Like when I get one of those question boxes I hear trumpets. And when I make a mistake I get a whole fanfare of trumpets.

It's very odd. I keep expecting the King and Queen to come walking through my bedroom....

I am over my Krispy Kreme as the Devil diatribe. I have switched gears. I now believe beer to be the Devil. I bought a case of Corona's (complete with lime) and I only had two and I peed, like all night. What is with that?! Next time I'm sick, I'll just drink some beer, clean out my system. Sheesh.

I should probably actually leave the house today. You know, see the sun. Feel the wind. Be around living beings.

It'll be rough...but I think I can do it.

Course then again, laying in bed reading all day sounds nice too..

June 05, 2003 10:52 a.m.
