Shameless plea and purchase

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

I broke down and bought Paint Shop Pro. My first, although this is version 7. Sheesh. Can you say COMPLICATED? EEK.

I spent two hours twiddling with it and I'm more confused than before I bought it. The manual is like a text book! It's bigger than Goblet of Fire! Well, okay, maybe not that big...

I had a great day today. Went out and about.. tried to find this old cemetary to take pictures in but I got lost. lol

So I sort of drove around for no reason, listening to music. It was like my brain was on mellow.

You know, I have a guestbook- yes! right down there- see where it says SIGN? Just click it- and you, yes! you! can leave ME! a message. It's an amazing thing, really.. trust me. You'll be so proud and happy with yourself for clicking it, I promise.

The world is awfully quiet...

May 29, 2003 5:13 p.m.
