two feet

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

Loneliness has this funny way of sneaking up on you when you least expect it. Like for instance, me.. sitting here last night, listening to music, singing along, feeling contentment at having had such a relaxing day by myself and WHAM! it starts like a pin prick. A tiny little voice that you can't quite drown out, no matter how much louder you turn up the stereo.

I hate it because I start to miss people that I shouldn't miss. Or I miss things that I said goodbye to a long time ago. And sometimes I wish I just had someone to call. Any time of the day or night and know that they would listen to me.

They wouldn't judge me, they'd just be there.

The older I get the more rarer I understand that to be.

We're all full of our own little lives. Not many people can put that aside to care about someone else's. It's just not in our natures as humans, sad to say.

It's the who I am when I lay down to sleep each night, that's the truth. Usually tired and cold and lonely and full of longing for something I will probably never have. It's a blessing sometimes to let sleep wash that away.

I'm much stronger in my dreams.

January 26, 2003 8:43 a.m.
