too much like a breck girl, that's me

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

No cheese cake factory last night, but my mom did take me out to TGIFriday's where I rejoiced in much appetizer munching (those Jack Daniel's chicken tenders are pretty damn good. ahem)and vegetable grilling (a grilled veggie dish with angel hair pasta) and then later we hit the bookstore where I promptly got told off for asking about the pre-ordering of Harry Potter 5. Man. Some people just don't get it. ;)

I'm beat though. I stayed up way too late writing in my story and wasn't thinking about the repercussions today. Hopefully today will go by fast. ergh.

I might go see Chicago after work. Expand my movie repetoire from the Two Towers into something else released this year. :)

You know... wet hair really makes one's head... heavy.

Maybe I'll get a hair cut instead. Lots of hairs cut. See the world through shortened locks.

hmm. something to think about.

January 17, 2003 5:43 a.m.
