Continuation of a good time.

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

Yawn. Well anyway, California was a blast. Even though I killed myself walking around. Seriously. By the last day I wanted to cut my legs off at the ankle and walk around on bloody stumps. I think it actually would of felt better. And I'm still tired. I slept all day yesterday, went to bed before midnight and I'm still dragging. I think it was too much sun and air or something. Or too much sea air. I did force us to go to the beach right before we left. But I wouldn't trade that for the world. God, I love the ocean. This sense of calm and infinity enters me. I can't really explain it. And the cute hunky surfers taking their wet suits off to the waist didn't hurt either. I usually don't notice such things as I am a girl all about the brain, but whoo doggy. Cute guys. No, that isn't drool on the keyboard, shutup.

Disneyland was great, but I am not as young as I used to be. I don't know how people with tiny kids do it. Tiny balls of energy more like it. Eek. I had forgotten how excited kids get at Disneyland. I know I got killed by at least a dozen strollers. The fast pass concept they have in place is really quite nice and saved a lot of waiting- you basically pick up a ticket and it tells you when to come back and then you just walk on by the line that's waiting. We got to do that for the Indiana Jones ride (way fun!) for ThunderMountain (made me sickie!)Star Tours (totally awesome!) and a couple of others. I didn't brave Space Mountain this time because by the time we got over there I was sort of.. well, not feeling good from the previous Splash Mountain bonaza. The Haunted Manison though was my favorite- totally decked out in Nightmare Before Christmas decorations!! It was so incredible. I can't wait to get my film developed. And they redid the whole ride so that you're riding through Halloween Town. It was amazing.

California Adventure was fun too- although there's more to do in Disney (more people too, ouch). They have this great little area called It's a Bug's Life that was great fun and very cool. The Boardwalk/Carnival area of California Adventure was great but I was much too tired to care at that point. We did a lot of eating. I think I gained ten pounds. Although I'm sure I walked off at least 20. They have this really cool San Fransisco/Wharf area where we got really delicious chinese food and really delicious nachos. They even had chocolate dipped fortune cookies, which were way yummy.

The weather was beautiful. It only rained once and we got caught in it, but it was late at night and we were on our way home. Still, we froze our assets off waiting for the friggin tram. All in all though it was fun, despite the people and the tiredness of my poor feet. We're already talking about going back because we only got to spend the morning at Knott's Berry Farm eating and not going through the park. Speaking of eating I had fried chicken for breakfast! And it was good! And biscuits and gravy that was phenomenal. And.. hmm... food. Must eat now.


I'm still tired.

2003-01-01 8:28 a.m.
