dreams and plop plop fizz fizz

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of bluestarhalo@diaryland.com at www.imood.com

well. it's official. I'm sick. But it's like some weird body sick and not head sick. Does that make sense? It means I'm not sneezy, sniffling head cold sick, but body aching, oh my god! a truck hit me sick. Bleh. The only thing that seems to be taking away the pains is Alka-Seltzer Cold medicine Plus which begs one to ask.. what exactly do they put in that stuff?!

I've had some whacked out dreams so far, I dreamed I was an altar girl (yes even in my dreams the world is a utopian place)and had a crush on the boy I shared my pew with. And when we sang for the church we didn't sing religious songs (mostly probably because even my subconcious doesn't know any) we sang soft rock numbers... it was VERY weird. Trust me. Nothing major happened with the boy, of course, just heavy staring and a little kiss in the cloak closet...

wow today is friday the 13th. what a day to be flat on my back.

wish I was having a better time...

2002-09-13 10:12 a.m.
