Brendan Fraser sure is cute.

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

these are the laws of being sick:

you must look absolutely horrible

you must have greasy hair and it must be askew or askance in some ohmygodwhathappened?fashion

you must lay about and ask anyone walking by if they will get you: tea, honey, water, soup, orange juice etc

you must moan and mutter things as you try to find a comfortable position on the chair in front of the tv

you must sleep all day for no reason

and you must watch really really bad movies and lose the remote so that you're stuck watching their badness.


I would like to shake the hand of the man who invented dvd. I really really would. But right now I can't. The Smurfs are here and it's time to take my medicine.

Maybe I'll see you when it wears off.

2002-09-13 8:58 p.m.
