that boy and other trivia

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

I'm tired of being poor and unattractive. I want to be rich and beautiful and make all the boys fall in love with me. So I can tease them and turn them all down and then go after that quiet boy. That boy that sits in the corner reading. That boy that maybe has glasses and floppy hair and dimples that no one notices. That boy that talks about star trek or star wars or the video game he stayed up all night playing. The strange boy who wears black concert tees over long sleeved cotton shirts. The boy whos only had one girlfriend, maybe two and the boy, that when he looks at you, you know you're all he sees and you feel that warmth from your stomach to your toes and all you want to do is hold his hand and make him laugh and..

yeah. I want all those things. just wish I had the ways to get him.

if anyone and Alan (hah) want to write me you can write me at [email protected]

ok. that was a shameless plug for email. I admit it.

my back still hurts like a ______ and that ain't good.

2002-09-12 5:19 p.m.
