thank GOD it's Friday

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

in the department of :this is why I still keep my job: I just bought a Dvd/VCR combo for my parents. Basically my parents don't even have a working vcr at this point, let alone a dvd player so... wow. I'm such a good kid...

Can I tell you something that has been plauguing me? The other day I stumbled across this fan fiction site, nothing major, but they had this section dedicated to "adult" fan fiction and me being the ever curious person that I am, read one or two. One of them had to do with M.A.S.H. M.A.S.H. Yes. You heard me right. Needless to say I will NEVER be able to watch that show again without thinking of the story I read.


I can't believe some of the things I tell you faceless masses.

2002-08-16 5:57 a.m.
