anyone out there in the murkiness?

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

sorry I haven't replied to anyone on my guestbook... I never got any notice that I had new entries to read! And here I was thinking no one loved me anymore... :( stupid guestbook. bleurgh.

so.. anyway. Laura, I am NOT going to call you Monica from now on. :-p

Alan- I don't know whats too late. I'm in pacific time right now... but I wake up at 4:45am in the morning during the week so I pretty much go to bed when I feel like it- which is usually between 9 and 10 my time, no later that 10:30. Weekends are better except usually Fridays because I'm usually exhausted and go to bed really early and this is turning into a LONG explanation. bleurgh.

I don't know. You get me when you get me. heh.

GOD. This week has just completely SUCKED EGGS. Work is just unbelieveable and right now I am so brain dead... it's amazing these words are even spelled right...

I'm tired of people yelling at me and I'm tired of trying to do too many things at once and I'm tired of people's mini-dramas and I'm tired of people and their petty little complaints, that really, in the grand scheme of things, just don't matter and there's nothing here to eat and I don't feel like cooking and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A_UJPOSAJPOIDJODJSKOLJLKFHFLKHSKLFHHLK!!!@!@!!!!!!!!!

I'm going to go lay down, pull the covers over my head and possibly try to disappear.

2002-08-15 4:49 p.m.
