this rant brought to you by:::::::jiffy pop!

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at


Why do people bring their babies to a busy afternoon showing of a just- opened-that-day movie where they know the theater will be packed and the movie is supposed to be suspenseful and full of large booming noises?


People are idiots.

Gerrrr. God I hate it WHEN PEOPLE BRING THEIR BABIES TO MOVIES! And a SCARY movie at that. What the HELL are the they thinking?! Oh yeah, no one will mind if little Roberto jr. cries his fool head off during a suspenseful quiet time of the movie. Oh sure, no one will mind if my kid keeps kicking the back of the chair of the person who is sitting in front of me. Nope. No one will mind at all.

RUDE RUDE RUDE!!!! People who bring babies to movies should be frickin shot in the head. Sorry. But that's the way I feel and I'm sticking by that. I mean I paid 6 dollars, I should get to see the movie without listening to some cranky kid oo and ah and wail during a scene. And I'm not blaming the kid, I mean geeze- it's in a dark theater with loud noises and lots of strange people. I'd cry too. It's the parents that are just.. retarded. It's just another indication that common sense is being genetically weeded out by inbreeding. Blech.

Other than that the movie ROCKED! ahem. Okay. I really do need to see it again, but I like it. So go see Signs, everyone. Tell them Bluestarhalo sent you. :)

Just don't bring your kid.

2002-08-02 8:17 p.m.
