the wednesday monster

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

Sometimes I get depressed over the stupidest things, I admit. Like last night I just started feeling blue. Basically because I didn't have any email. Absurd isn't it? hmm.

Maybe it just struck me that I don't write to the people I used to write to and not many people seem interested in me at this moment of time. I'm used to a diary of 40 readers. Now I have 3. (And I'm not sure about one.) ;-0

It's humbling. But freeing too perhaps.

Not many people wrote me after I closed the page down which sort of sucks, but oh well. I figured if they wanted to they would drop me a line. Guess no one wanted to. (*chagrined smirk)

I'm really tired this morning. I was really tired last night. You know one of those god!I have to go to bed now because I'm so tired! tireds. Except when I climbed into bed I couldn't sleep (Ain't it always the way?) and I just laid there- tossing and turning. I don't know when I finally fell asleep but it couldn't have been too long ago...

eek. god. I hate wednesdays.

2002-07-31 5:44 a.m.
