Site and sightings and jars

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

Now Listening to: The Sundays/Skin & Bones

So some of you may know, actually most of you probably don't, but me and Laura have been working on a website together and the other day we finally got it to a point where I don't mind showing it. lol

It's for Harry Potter, of course, and it is a place for us to bestow works of great fictional intent. And of course, our own stuff too. Heh, well, Laura's is great, mine I'm not too sure about, half the time. (I basically think I'm a hack.) But anyway, stop by if you want and remember to watch your step for falling flobberworms and mind the floo powder dust... there are also forums there you can join and well, you get the rest. I'll shut up now.

Anyway, it's here:The Ink and Quill

In other news, there is no other news. I've been preoccupied with setting up things for the forum and basically being a lazy git, so... yeah. It's Monday. What more do you want?

Big hug to goody2shoe who, bless her heart, thinks I'm intelligent and funny. Little does she know I am merely a brain in a jar, off the coast of Australia...

March 22, 2004 4:36 p.m.
