You can tell a lot about man, from his hands...

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

*Chapter 40 has been posted*

Everytime I saw my boys on the screen last night during the Oscars I made a little squealing noise. How very nice for all four hobbits to sit together for me. I had a hard time deciding which one to look at...and my don't they look handsome in tuxes and suits? It's official, Hobbits clean up very well indeed.

Anyway, in honor of ROTK's clean sweep of the Oscars, Xina offers this timely question, and I'll try to answer it right this time, my dear:

If you had to make out with one hobbit actor and only ONE, who would it be?

Make out, eh? Hmm. Do people still make out? I thought everyone went from having a drink at the bar to humping like rabbits... anyway... let's see. If we're going strickly on looks here- Dom. Because he's got those eyes and those unbelievably kissable ****able lips. A girl can get hot and bothered by imagining those lips....

But if we're going with who I honestly think would be the best person to kiss, I have to go with Billy, because he's the oldest and he has kind eyes and a quick smile with an infectious laugh, and I just know he'd be ... well... good. Tender. Gentle, yet strong. The sort of kisser that when he kisses you, it starts out small and yet before you know it your heart is beating fast and your palms are sweating and you're feeling it all over your body, even in your toes. Billy looks like he knows the way around a woman's neck. He looks like the type that would touch your face as he kissed you, his hand getting lost in your hair. Yeah. He looks like the type that would whisper your name in your ear and spend all evening doing one thing if you asked him to. Definitely.

Plus, he's Scottish. Who wouldn't want to hear that accent in their ear?

March 01, 2004 3:08 p.m.
