Twilight zone

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

I think my favorite gobstopper flavor is purple.

Is purple a flavor? I mean, it's not grape, I know that. But still. I like the fact that it turns orange after you suck on it for a long time.

Hmm. Taken out of context that sentence appears... naughty.

In more exciting news I am a lazy git.

Yes, you heard it here first. I could explain to those who don't know what a git is, but eh.. I'm too lazy. Look it up.

How many glasses of water a day do you drink? I find myself drinking an inordinate amount. Like bottles and bottles of the stuff. I pee almost constantly. Oh sorry, was that TMI? Tough love.

I have bad cuticles too. I hate that. I don't know why I wasn't blessed with smooth cuticles, but I wasn't. So now I have dry looking hands. I can never win.

I've been putting Vitamin E oil on my face as of late... somebody roll me over and dip me in cocoa bean. Yum.

Yes, this entry is very weird. You're not just imagining it.

February 17, 2004 4:50 p.m.
