Viagra for the Soul

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

Can you die from lack of sex? I don't know, but I think you can. Eventually. Like around age 55 or so. Hell knows I'll just be sticking in my head in the oven by that time...

I wrote probably the most brilliant piece ever last night and I'm quite well shuffed at myself. I have no idea what that means by the way... well shuffed.

I make these things up as I go along.

I wonder if eternal horniness can be considered a disease by the Center of Disease Control? Like, if there's an epidemic of it or something. It would explain all the 'I can make you HARD' emails I seem to get from people named Nikki and Candy...

I had a dream about being in an earthquake. It was very strange. I was riding in an elevator with a Chinese man and suddenly the elevator dipped and the floor disappeared and we were just hanging there, mid-air. And then it landed and I got out, walked to this beach house I was sharing with my mom, dad and aunt and the earthquake hit. I kept screaming 'get to a doorway...get to a doorway'! and so we did and it passed and then we were all sick.

It was a lovely dream, no doubt.

I think I should try going to bed before 3am. Just for future reference.

January 15, 2004 10:11 a.m.
