Pet peeves and movies galore

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

Things I hate about Christmas-time shopping #102:

I hate it when you're in a long line, waiting to check out and the person in front of you doesn't move up the right way. Like, they'll just STAND there, with this big space in front of them and while I know you're not really going anywhere when you move, it at least helps the line from being so friggin bunched up, ya know? ARGH.

Anyway, that's one of my pet peeves.

I'm sure you're all pleased to know that.

I did do some X-mas shopping, well, not really. I shopped for myself, okay? But you know it was stuff I needed. I promise. Don't sic Santa on me. I need some new clothes. Really. I never shop for clothes so this is like the first new piece of clothing for me since like.. January or something.


I think I much prefer internet shopping. You know, where you can sit in front of the pc with your hot coffee and your pj's on and music on in the background and all you do is point and click and enter. And whallah... away it goes. It's beautiful.

Movies I rented to watch this Weekend:

X-Men 2

Finding Nemo

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind

A Mighty Wind

I watched X2 when I came home. Not bad. Much better than the first. Or maybe my standards have slipped. Anyway, can you imagine a more contrived ending for a film? I mean.. gah. It just screamed PART THREE IS ON THE WAY!


December 05, 2003 6:56 p.m.
