Too bored to....

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

I am such a dork. You have no idea. Well, if you're a frequent reader of this diary, you might, but really... you have no idea. I just wrote this really long entry right? And instead of clicking the DONE button down on the bottom of the Add An Entry page, I clicked the Add An Entry link again. So my post went *poof*!


Bah. Now my greatness is lost, people and I may never get it back.

You should all consider yourselves lucky.

Movie Review: Lost in Translation: GOOD

Once Upon a Time in Mexico: Eh.

(but Johnny Depp is in it)

I spent all day yesterday watching Indiana Jones movies and now I have that stupid theme song in my head and it won't leave me alone! I've also developed a nice appreciation for Harrison Ford. But young Han Soloish/Indiana Harrison. Not old Harrison.

(Hey, cut me some slack, I was only 10 the first time around.)

Eh... I'm too lazy to finish this entry.....

October 25, 2003 11:42 a.m.
