Relief, immeasurable

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

I am sitting here, writing from a state of relief,immeasurable. My dog, late yesterday, couldn't stop gulping for air as though she were drowning. Dry little coughs racking her little body and I was powerless to do anything about it. She couldn't even stand up and she sounded as though she were choking, so we took her to the vet, a different vet, an emergency vet and he recognized what it was immediately: her heart. (and air had been filling her stomach instead of her lungs, which were filled with fluid)

Long story, short- they kept her overnight and I have been walking the floors, worrying and crying and trying to ignore the fact that she wasn't there to chase out of my room at midnight and she wasn't there to bug me to go outside and bah...finally, at 9:30 this morning, the vet called to let us know she made it through the night, which he had basically said he would be surprised if she did. But she was responding well to the medication they had given her and even barking, wanting to go home.

So yeah. It's been a rough couple of days, but it looks as though today is not a day of saying goodbye.

When that dog gets home I am going to give her an entire dish of steak and I'm not even going to mix dog food with it. *cheeky grin*

In other news, my friend Gene- he of the ego, is in town this week and surprise above surprise wants to see me. In fact, he wrote me a long letter telling me how much he missed me.

So yeah, they may be small and they may be way too infrequent, but miracles do happen in this day and age.

And I'm glad.

September 30, 2003 10:44 a.m.
