Dedication: To you

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

I had to have this layout, not only because I am developing an enormous passion for all things Depp, but also because Edward Scissorhands is an overlooked masterpiece.

It's a modern day fairy tale or fable, if you will. At the heart of the story, it is about loneliness and isolation. Something we all feel. You have a man that is brilliant..a genius who is so alone that he creates his own 'son' to have company. It's like Pinocchio meets the technological age.

And then you have the creation itself, so lonely and cut off (no pun intended)from the real world that he does not know how to act. Even without the scissors for hands, Edward is a scarred creature. And yet, he enters the world and he embraces it the best he knows how. Others see in him the epitome of what you would call a 'sweet soul' or goodness. It's not a coincidence that most of the sets of this movie look like a throw back to early 50's suburbia- a time when the world was thought to be 'safe' and 'innocent'. But as Edward finds out and soon discovers, the bright colors, the friendly lawns, the 'barbeque's'.. they all hide the hunger that is underneath. The hunger that is in each person to be loved and to love, themselves. To not be alone and isolated.

Edward is lucky in a way, because he had his scars out front, for all the world to see. Once people got past that exterior they could see the beauty and gracefulness that was inside. Something that many of us fail to do, because we work so hard to find out what is 'wrong' with other people, to make ourselves feel superior.

The sadness, of course, is that when Edward showed signs of wanting a 'normal' life, the real world couldn't handle it and banished him back into his lonely castle. And he turned into a myth.. a legend.. a bedtime story told to a little girl, from her grandmother.

So in that tradition, I offer you this daily reminder when you read this diary, that you are never as alone as you think and that there is beauty in everyone. No matter how hard you have to look.

September 04, 2003 11:19 p.m.
