To the makers of NEC Diamondtron Superbright, I love you

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

I bought a new monitor and a peach slush.

Money well spent, either way.

My new monitor is black. It's uber-cool. It's the same size as my old one. A nice expansive 17inch, flat screen. I could of went bigger but why waste money on a new monitor when I will probably be getting a new system in a few years? My dad went with me and had to actually talk me out of getting the 19inch.

Eh. What's two inches?

I think my other monitor was going out for a long time and I just never realized it. This You just barely touch brightness and it's like you can see it on the moon. It's really cool.

I feel as though I have been given new eyes.

And the peach slush? It's yummy. It has little bits of peach chopped up in it and sometimes they get stuck in the straw and I have to suck really hard to get to its peachy goodness.

Life is good.

August 07, 2003 6:12 p.m.
