I'm a dork

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of bluestarhalo@diaryland.com at www.imood.com

Whoohoo. Today I become digital woman. Well, cable wise anyway. Yeah, I know- like I need any more reasons to watch tv, but still...now I will have the BBC! And the Independent Film Channel and the BBC! and the Sundance Channel and a million Discovery channels and the BBC! and the NASA channel and..yep, you guessed it- the BBC!

I'm excited. Now I can indulge in my favorite pastime, watching dead sexy english men. Well, okay, it's not a pastime, more like a hobby gone wrong, but you get the drift.

I am drinking a huge coffee in my huge pink cheshire cat mug. I need it. I'm so tired right now, one eye is still closed.

Only 3 full days until Harry Potter 5!

woot! If you don't hear from me all weekend it will be because I have my head stuck in a book.

June 17, 2003 9:03 a.m.
