Notations of activity

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

I can always tell when I want to change my layout- I spend inordinate amounts of time on beautify. Looking at sites I've looked at millions of times before, hoping I'll see something new that catches my fancy. This always seems to happen when I'm sickie and can't do much more than watch tv or cruise the internet. I'm sad, what can I say?

I sort of did this one myself- changing the colors to match the Order of the Phoenix picture. It was originally a imageless layout- as I'm sure you can tell. I sort of morphed it around to fit what I wanted. I couldn't find a decent HP layout that had anything to do with the new book, so here I am...

I hate being sick. My mind is like mud. Food tastes like crap. My throat is raw and I'm tired of coughing. I'm tired of soup. Although since I can't taste anything, it doesn't matter. I'm tired of feeling dizzy. It's only been three days and it feels like three weeks.

I am sick: here me sputter and cough.

May 09, 2003 1:15 p.m.
