My heart's been making wishes.

I'm so Moody, I'm: The current mood of at

I had one of those surreal dreams where it feels very real and yet I know it's a dream. Simply by the fact that everything is going well. I was with a boy who looked very much like Joshua Jackson, he of Dawson's Creek fame. Except it wasn't him really, just someone who looked like him. And we were together and we were happy. Not in a 'let's hold hands, skip in daffodils sort of happy' but happy nonetheless. We were doing the day to day things like grocery shopping and playing video games and snuggling on the couch watching Seinfeld. As far as dream activities go, it was very blase. But nice, all the same. And I kid you not, my dream had a narrator or a voice of reason or something. Because just before I woke up I heard someone talking and this, I swear, is what it said:

"In another reality, in another time, you are with him and you are loved."

And so waking up and feeling this sense of loss within me the only thing I can think of as I look at the next 30 years of my loveless, sexless, childless life, is well, at least I got it right somewhere. Too bad it can't be here.

April 18, 2003 10:13 a.m.
